“IN” The Know- January Newsletter

IN the Know – January Newsletter

Content & Collateral

Commercial Risk

BRP Multi-Family Insurance Flyer

Claims & Risk Management

Claims Advocacy Flyer

ARC Marketing Sheet

Employee Benefits

Off-Label Use of Drugs for Weight Loss

Evaluating Your Pharmacy Benefit Managers

Upskilling for the Silver Tsunami Using AI

Templates & Presentations

BRP at a Glance – Portrait PPT

BRP at a Glance – Landscape PPT

The Baldwin Group Re-Brand

All information about the BRP Brand update is confidential and should not be shared externally. No portion of the new brand name, logo, and tagline are to be used or shared until we have officially made the external launch.

Please visit the BRP Spot page for additional FAQ’s (frequently asked questions).

Social Media Tips & Tricks!

We are happy to share a social media tip (or two) to help you take your LinkedIn game to the next level!

There is no ‘one size fits all’ for social media, but it is a must-have channel that every advisor should be utilizing daily as a part of business development and retention.

Links to OneDrive

You can find past content on the K&S OneDrive by category of Commercial Risk, Employee Benefits and Private Risk under the folder labeled “Content”.

Let’s Get Social!

Share, Comment, and Like our LinkedIn company pages.

Your Marketing Team

Cayman Loader & Amy Trench are your marketing contacts for the region. Please contact us for any of your upcoming marketing needs including events, gifts, eblasts, content and collateral. Happy Selling!!!

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